mozilla firefox
home page:
multiple tabbed homepages may be set like so||
by entering a search phrase in the location bar you'll end up with
google's first hit
you can right-click on a phrase on a webpage and choose search web for
"phrase" to bring up google results
search bar history can be cleared by right-clicking the search bar and
choosing "clear search history"
clicking the google icon in the search bar allows you to change search
engines and also add more engines
my preferred searches:
google (keyword: g)
imdb (keyword: imdb)
amazon (keyword: a)
wikipedia (keyword: wiki)
merriam-webster dictionary (keyword: mw)
iblist (keyword: book)
netflix (keyword: flix)
sourceforge (keyword: sf)
ebay (keyword: ebay)
dell (keyword: dell)
netcraft (keyword: nc)
freshmeat projects (not yet)
cddb (not yet)
live bookmarks (in bookmark toolbar):
IE View
HTML Validator
Adblock Plus
keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl-K or Ctrl-E = have search bar gain cursor focus
Down arrow (in search bar) = list history of previous searches
Ctrl-T = new tab
Ctrl-D = bookmark a page
Ctrl-P = print dialog