cisco unity
g.711 mu-law codec:
highest quality codec
1 min wav = 480KB
acceptable to give subscribers 20-30min worth of storage
messages older than 30 days should be removed...can use the "cisco unity message store manager"

important wav files: voice names, geetings, call handlers, interview handlers
wav files are in \commserver\streamfiles

AD connection:
adschemasetup runs scripts in schema\ldifscripts
win2003 std or ent, R2 supported as well (do not install windows updates)
computer name must have unique first 14 characters
after windows install/sql server install cisco security updates
SQL installation: MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent must be ran by a domain account
personal assistant has been end-of-lifed..don't bother with it

run cisco unity system preperation assistant (cuspa) from servicepack disc
install cisco security agent last

hardware: MCS-7800
2 CPUs
2 nics (active, passive)
72 CTI ports

C - operating system, pagefile (24GB) disk 1
D - program files, sql server (24GB) disk 2
E - unity/sql logs (24GB) disk 1
F - message repository, database (24GB) disk 2

my variation
C: unity, sql server, database
F: logs, umr

AD accounts to create
UnityInstall (Exchange admin?)
UnityAdmin (add as local admin to Unity servers)
UnityDirSvc (Exchange view-only)
UnityMsgStoreSvc (had to be DomainAdmin to use COBRAS Import)

Run Permissions Wizard
Exchange delegation must be done manually - both UnityInstall and UnityDirSvc should be Exchange Organization Administrators

Exchange partner server must have mailbox role

business hours
mon-thurs 7:30am-7pm
friday 7:30am-5pm

routing rules:

not using...
voice-recognition system (seperate server)
C - everything (24GB)
access by x6900

managing a call handler..
from messages:
enter pin #
enter ext of owner
enter call handler ext

from greetings admin:
from ext of call handler owner
call 6801
enter ext of owner
enter pin#
enter call handler ext

call handler - transfer to a subscriber
greetings -> after greeting -> send caller to subscriber
public distribution lists
voicemail addressed to ext 99991 "all subscribers"