A friend of mine introduced me to a MUD way back and I played it regularly up until I was a pretty high level and had explored most of the areas. Then I quit because there wasn't much else to do. The clan I was leading for a while I handed off to someone else. Later on I tried rejoining it with a new character, but it never proved to be as exciting as when I first played it and I left again.

I fell into an Immortal position on another MUD that an online friend had just started. Then eventually took over a vacant Implementor spot and started messing around with the code. I had never done any C programming at this point and my UNIX knowledge was basic, but I could guess and experiment and mostly things would work. I just added in premade mods/addons and made a few of my own. Then the rest of the work just consisted of customizing the code to fit the current MUD theme. I'm surprised I did as well as I did.

I remember very little of how to play a MUD, code one, build an area, etc. at this point. I don't feel any interest to relearn any of it either :) Below is what is left of my work I've done on MUDs...

Other mud stuff I've found in my 'archives':
Building Intro Manual in PDF format
A possible revision/version of the manual
Screenshot of the MUD site
Another logo

Here's some code I did to create a "whisper" command which I don't believe exists in ROM based MUDs:
void do_whisper( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;

    argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

    if ( arg[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' )
    send_to_char( "{RWhisper what to who?{x\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
    send_to_char( "{RThey aren't here.{x\n\r", ch );

 act( "{W$n{x whispers something into {W$N{x's ear.{x", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
 act( "You whisper to {W$N{x: {w$t{x", ch, argument, victim, TO_CHAR );
 act( "{W$n{x whispers softly to you,'{w$t{x'{x", ch, argument, victim, TO_VICT );

^All of the above content is by me^

I used to frequent the yahoogroup "ghostmud", here was a nice compliment I received on something I posted there. I must have liked it enough to save the post.

perfectly said eric sorry i answered this twice since it had been expertly
answered already :)


On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 21:26:17 -0700 (PDT), ghostmud@yahoogroups.com wrote:

null to set at what level commands may be used look in the
null file "interp.c"
null and in your case look around for your list of OLC
null commands inside it. here is an example of what i see:
null { "redit", do_redit, POS_DEAD, ML, LOG_NORMAL, 1 },
null where it says "ML" that's where you set the level.
null ML = max level or in other words the implementor. you
null would want "L7" there for level 103 or angel.