mame in ubuntu (info)
mame configuration file: /etc/mame/mame.ini mame rom location: ~/.mame/roms/
mame configuration file: /etc/mame/mame.ini mame rom location: ~/.mame/roms/
i knew this from a long time ago but had forgotten…so writing it down this time. the person hosting a l4d game needs to go to the console (~ key) and enter the following: sv_lan 1 sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 net_start map <map name> clients can connect with: connect <host IP address> game modes can be changed […]
today was the 2nd time i’ve encountered a server with kingslide (or similar type) rails. and even though i’ve dealt with them before i still forgot how to remove a server from them. the server today was a sun “sunfire” and i struggled trying to remove it. eventually i gave up and decided to google. […]