Published at: 10:06 am - Thursday June 20 2013
out of office settings for remote domains are in the exchange management console->organization configuration->hub transport->remote domains. this article explains the available settings in detail:
Published at: 06:06 pm - Wednesday June 19 2013
the sure fire way to export data from AD LDS is to use the trusty csvde command: there are methods of altering the AD LDS schema so that it matches full AD DS schema. then you can synch between AD DS and AD LDS. from the articles i’ve read thus far it appears you […]
Published at: 12:06 pm - Sunday June 16 2013
since there are lots of misleading links out there i figured i’d jot down the real location to get your free annual credit report:
Published at: 12:06 pm - Sunday June 16 2013
at one point i was experimenting with various video output settings in the linux version of the vlc media player. then later on when viewing videos i noticed a lot of ugly artifacts were showing up especially during scenes with lots of motion. i couldn’t recall what the default settings were for vlc after i […]
Published at: 09:06 am - Sunday June 16 2013
i’ve known about the netflix through wine option for quite some time. however, i had limited success with it because all i could get to stream was audio with garbled video. the problem turned out being on my end because i didn’t have the composite extension enabled in X. to do so with an nvidia […]
Published at: 11:06 pm - Saturday June 15 2013
i totally adore the first zelda game and regard it as a classic. i never owned a link to the past on the snes, but i did end up renting it back in the day and playing it. i remember playing through a few of the dungeons in the dark world (maybe about 3 of […]
Published at: 05:06 pm - Thursday June 13 2013
informative review of various self-service password reset products:
Published at: 06:06 pm - Tuesday June 11 2013
t-sql syntax: USE AdventureWorks2012; GO BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 TO DISK = ‘Z:\SQLServerBackups\AdventureWorks2012.Bak’ WITH FORMAT, MEDIANAME = ‘Z_SQLServerBackups’, NAME = ‘Full Backup of AdventureWorks2012’; GO sources:
Published at: 11:06 am - Tuesday June 11 2013 bulk user import w/ csv files detailed info on SSO options: SSO toolkit, adfs, shibboleth *very useful* info on updating the SSO toolkit to support office365 info on converting a federated domain back to a standard one great list of msol* cmdlets setting up a trust between adfs and […]
Published at: 11:06 am - Monday June 10 2013
i’ve had to generate and install these a few times for various MDM products. the process isn’t so bad. generate a CSR from whatever vendor’s product you are using. then go to and login with an itunes account. create a new certificate based on the CSR. then download the newly generated certificate and install it.