vm fever
todo list:
make VMs of
SLES (whatever the current version is) … various snapshots .. nagios and etc.
freedbsd 7.x
vmware _is_ the best virtualization solution out there. and they give out free stuff.
and really with virtualization so well accepted nowadays…why bother dual booting anything? i mean i used to dual boot windows/linux until i changed over to linux entirely. but then unless you’re using a common datastore between the OS’s (and one that is readable by both) then you constantly have to try to remember where you have your data. and to avoid this annoyance you’re going to just stick with one OS. the other OS or two, or three, or whatever is just a curiosity you will boot up to show your friends. hey guys check it out i have linux!
currently i use the free vmware player to boot up a copy of windows xp on my linux host OS. and really i have this vm for only one reason…for sites that basically refuse to work on anything but IE.