equallogic FS7600: service pack update

download the latest service pack and unzip it
FTP to the NAS management IP address port 44421
use grpadmin credentials as the login

upload the unzipped service pack to the “servicepack” directory
after the upload completes then SSH to the management IP using grpadmin credentials again
then run service-pack start [filename]

the guide also suggests rebalancing connections amongst the controllers from Group Management after the service-pack applies.

update 5/11/2014:
ran into 2 problems trying to apply newer 2.x service packs within the last couple of months. issue #1 was that the /var volume was full of logs on the NAS unit. with support’s assistance we were able to get to a linux shell and manually delete the logs. the process was something like this (from my recollection) – SSH into the NAS and go to the submenu Administrators->Passwd and reset the password for an account named “fse”. logout and log back into the NAS with the fse account and more options will be available to you. then go to the submenu System->Maintenance->Shell to get to a full linux shell. i was informed that this full shell access will most likely disappear in the 3.x versions of the firmware

issue #2, the application of service packs was still failing after dealing with issue #1. this one took a long time to troubleshoot. eventually it was determined that an IPv6 setting was missing switch-side. the NAS controllers evidently use IPv6 addresses internally and try to ping each other by an IPv6 address as a test. if the test fails the service pack is unable to proceed.

update 8/29/2016:
when upgrading from 3.x the process is slightly different. SSH in and enter the CLI mode and run system -> software-updates -> type upgrade [filename.sh]. also system -> software-updates -> list can be used to list installed updates and available updates.

This entry was written by resinblade , posted on Thursday May 16 2013at 07:05 pm , filed under IT . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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