problems accessing a VM console in vsphere client

i’ve had problems in the past where i couldn’t get a particular VM console to come up. typically, i’d first close the vsphere client and reopen it and that would resolve the issue. other times, vmware tools might have been in a funky state on a particular VM.

recently, i encountered a persistent behavior where i couldn’t open the consoles to any VMs even after closing/reopening the vsphere client. i kept receiving the message “the vmrc console has disconnected…attempting to reconnect“.

i figured a reboot would most likely resolve the issue, but that wasn’t something i wanted to do at the time. i found a vmware KB article regarding the issue:

the solution was to open task manager and kill the process for “vmware-vmrc.exe

This entry was written by resinblade , posted on Tuesday August 27 2013at 10:08 am , filed under IT . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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