office365 notes (2014 edition)

had an issue with my test ADFS instance and office365, where federated logins were redirecting to the public URL for the production ADFS farm.

to resolve:
Get-MsolFederationProperty -DomainName [federated domain] – this displays the current federation info for ADFS & office365
Update-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName [federated domain] – run this if the above info is outdated/incorrect
^may need to add “-supportmultipledomains” to this command

i’ve linked to an article before on how to convert a federated domain back to a standard domain, but here’s the exact command:
Convert-MsolDomainToStandard -DomainName [federated domain] -SkipUserConversion $true -PasswordFile c:\password.txt
(skipuserconversion would be set to false if you had no plans to refederate the domain)

list of *Msol* cmdlets:

customize ADFS 3.0…can now only be done with powershell cmdlets. the web files are evidently embedded inside of a DLL now and cannot be edited directly (like they could w/ ADFS 2.0)
list of commonly used cmdlets:

the A2 license SKUs for wave15 are:

test ADFS signin:
ADFS federation metadata URL:

change UPN of office365 user:
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName [current username] -NewUserPrincipalName [current username]
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName [current username] -NewUserPrincipalName [new username]

at some point update the on-prem AD user to reflect the changes. if done beforehand dirsync will throw a sync error regarding this user.

This entry was written by resinblade , posted on Friday April 11 2014at 10:04 am , filed under IT . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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