the room series (android)
i saw the first “the room” game listed on the top paid apps section of google play. i had never heard of it, but it was highly rated, interesting looking, and also cheap, so i purchased it.
the game is very reminiscent of myst, but with an hp lovecraft vibe going on. it’s probably the best mobile game i’ve played in some time and it would go on my top 10 mobile games list. the only downside is that it’s short; lasting only an hour or two depending on your play speed. although these games are short i think the asking price is more than fair. the puzzles in the game are a mixture of traditional puzzles and myst-like ones. i consider puzzles that want you to remember a phrase, number sequence, pattern, only to be used somewhere else later to be “myst-like” (and really i’m not sure if these would qualify as puzzles, more so a test of recollection?).
anyways, the music and sound are great, even the ongoing story is intriguing. the graphics are pretty stunning and what blows my mind most about these games is the intricacy of the puzzle objects. for instance, one table may have 4-5 different puzzles embedded in it (and it all fits together seamlessly). the dev team must have an amazing design group.
“the room two” is of course more of the same which is not really a bad thing. i’m already eager to play part 3 (when it comes out). though, at some point i feel like the appeal may grow stale…so hopefully they know when the right time is to end the series.