powershell (in general)

i’ve been putting off getting properly acquainted with powershell for about 2 years now. benny has recently re-piqued my interest for PS.

for AD i’ve been automating tasks with VBscript & ds* commands and the need hasn’t arrived yet that i needed to do something only in PS. i’ve done minor tasks in exchange 2007 with it however.

anyways, some basic powershell information for future reference:
powershell 2.0 is out now
vmware’s PS extensions are called “vsphere powercli”
there’s a community created powergui IDE for PS…but PS 2.0 ships with its own environment called “windows powershell ISE”

This entry was written by resinblade , posted on Wednesday January 13 2010at 04:01 pm , filed under IT . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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