linux + ipods
i have an ipod nano 3g, which i curse for not being rockboxable. maybe someday…
anyways, for my first attempt at syncing it in linux i used gtkpod. i believe i had limited luck with it, probably due to misconfiguration on my part (this was a few years back). i then stumbled upon finding that banshee also had ipod support. which always works pretty well for me.
..had one issue recently though. i had attempted to delete all the files on my ipod..but the files still somewhat remained, although songs no longer played. banshee wouldn’t sync any longer after this. i might have caused the weirdness myself by not having the latest podsleuth installed? anyways, i resolved it by using amarok to delete whatever aspects were left of the files. i then opened banshee again and syncing worked immediately.
someone might then wonder why i just don’t use amarok. i’m just used to banshee’s UI…no other reason.