warcraft 3 + frozen throne
i hadn’t played any pc games in forever. so i “fired up” wc3, something i played a few years back when it was first released. i remember the story being great and i still consider it so. i think originally when i played i disliked the limitation of 90 units (which is really less than that because several units consume multiple food sources). i was used to the massive armies you could produce in wc2 and starcraft. but…i think having less units just makes you be more clever, so it’s not such a bad thing. i love the idea of heroes. favorites were arthas as a paladin, thrall, and illidan. arthas as a death knight pretty much sucked.
anyways i finally finished wc3 tonight..spent a full weekend and a couple of nights playing a level or two. the story had me hooked. i played it on normal difficulty. 3-4 of the missions in the game seemed overly hard in comparison to the others. don’t know the exact ones but i know they took place in the night elf and orc campaigns. and i admit on those i used the free money cheat to avoid being overly frustrated. yes i’m weak nowadays…playing a level over 3 times to find the right way to play it isn’t something i’m interested in anymore.
good game of course…i will play frozen throne soon. and just to continue the storyline i’m tempted to finally play WoW…
update: just finished frozen throne. the first campaign took a while for me to get into because i was already tired of playing as the night elves. i enjoyed the alliance campaign more. the blood elves were very interesting, and their change in allegiance did surprise me. illidan is such a freak living in the outland with his pack of weirdos. anub’arak was awesome, and playing arthas as a death knight sucked even more because of his ever-lowering levels. anub’arak makes up for it though. branching off of the forsaken…also cool.
i had to cheat on only one level…which was the last level. i found it impossible otherwise. the bonus orc campaign was very cool..BUT it seemed like it really went on forever. i think it took near 3 hours to complete..i may be exaggerating, but not by much.