exchange 2007: resource mailboxes
to grant delegate access to a resource mailbox you actually don’t use the delegates feature (which threw me off). instead you simply grant the user full access to the mailbox (Add-MailboxPermission <resource> -AccessRights FullAccess -User <user>)
source (this article tells you everything you need to know about resource mailboxes):
update 4/22/2013:
there’s a little more to setting up room resources than i had originally thought. for a “delegate” to receive emails on appointment requests for a room resource the “always forward to delegates” option must be enabled. also the following needs to be ran:
Set-MailboxCalendarSettings <resource> -ResourceDelegates <user>
Get-MailboxCalendarSettings <resource> | FL
is very useful for checking current resource settings.
to alter resource settings graphically, login to OWA with an account that has access to the room resource mailbox then Open Other Mailbox <resource>. then goto Options then Resource Settings.
finally, the room resource calendar can be easily viewed from Outlook by going to Calender and then Open Calendar->Open Shared Calendar <resource>