halo 3 (xbox360)
i finished halo 3 earlier this month…this would be the first time i’m playing the campaign. first impressions, i didn’t enjoy the first level so much. this would be the jungle level. i loved the look of it, but it felt so restrictive compared to the majority of halo levels. meaning that usually you’re in big open areas outside or large indoor areas. the jungle level is very narrow and linear feeling.
and so for the first couple of levels, i felt that this was just a game going through the motions of a being a “halo game”. i wasn’t getting that magic feeling from playing a halo game as i did with the first 2 games. however, as the game went on, and i played levels that showcased the use of the warthog, sniper rifle, a more “alive” scarab, the scorpion tank, etc., i began to feel that i was playing a worthwhile addition to the franchise. the end mission was another classic never-ending action level. the flood infested region of the cortana level is both unsettling and effective.
i was fairly confused by where the story was going. i didn’t really understand it until i watched the “halo: the story so far” segment from the halo legends dvd. i don’t think the story could be effectively conveyed with just cutscenes this time around as it was a bitĀ convoluted.
it took me about 2-3 weeks of playing about 45 minutes to an hour a day to finish halo 3 on normal difficultly. it seemed to me that the game was harder than the first two games. in the first two halo games, i don’t recall dying much at all on normal difficulty. in halo 3, i died countless times. the brutes, for instance, seemed much more difficult to kill.
halo 3 was a fitting end to the trilogy. it kind of saddens me that there’s a new trilogy coming out. the halo universe is pretty awesome, but i think the franchise has pretty well covered things from a earth/human perspective. any additional games would just be milking the franchise.