virtualcenter upgrade process (for vsphere 4.0)

  1. backup VC database
  2. backup SSL certs
  3. attach database to new server
  4. run VC 4 installer
  5. total upgrade process = roughly 30 minutes. downtime only affects VC

VC 4 hardware reqs:
2 CPUs
4GB of RAM
windows 2008/sql 2008

update 5/18/2010:
the SSL certs need to be copied to the new server (same directory structure)
the System DSN settings need to be recreated on the new server manually

and a really important note – ESX 3.x use a License Server which is different than vsphere licensing.
so a new license server will need to be installed on the new vcenter server
leave the old virtual center server up…disable all services besides the license server, and point the new vcenter “esx 3.x licensing” to the old virtual center server’s IP address

This entry was written by resinblade , posted on Monday March 22 2010at 03:03 pm , filed under IT . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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