novell zcm preboot services
i had to somewhat quickly set up an additional zcm server, to be used as the organization-wide imaging repository. install went fine, but when i attempted a PXE boot the client would display “contacting novell preboot policy service” wait a while then “…done”. and that was it.
i checked the forums and found a post that led me in the right direction, by mjgalloway.
which informed me of the file: ..program files\novell\zenworks\conf\preboot\novell-zenimgweb.conf
and in particular this portion of it
# Specify the HTTP server IPAddress
my problem was that i had a dhcp address listed there, not the final static address. and i never never install any server products on a dhcp assigned address usually, but this time i was in haste. anyways, that resolved the booting issue.
i thought it was cool too that novell is keeping all the settings in plaintext conf files. and i’m impressed by the newest zcm suite as a whole, i’m happy with the path novell is taking. i hope the earlier somewhat beta quality releases of zcm don’t hurt the adoption of the product.