Published at: 11:07 am - Friday July 26 2013
in outlook 2010 (possibly 2007 as well?) there’s a calendar group created automatically titled “team: <username>”. this calendar group is only created if the organizational layout of employees has been fleshed out in active directory (relationship between managers and direct reports). the team calendar(s) can not actually be deleted. if you try to delete it […]
Published at: 04:07 pm - Tuesday July 23 2013
apple iCal evidently requires specific permissions to be set on exchange 2007 calendars for access. for MS outlook users the usual permissions typically suffice for calendar viewing (free/busy time, subject, location). for iCal to function the user who access is shared to must explicitly be defined as a Reviewer for the calendar. this should resolve […]
Published at: 07:07 pm - Monday July 22 2013
i was reminiscing about old pc gaming magazines recently and it dawned on me that most of the magazines i loved were by the same publisher (imagine/future). i used to get them from the grocery store and i can recall getting the first issue of cdrom today. cdrom today came with a disc full of […]
Published at: 06:07 pm - Wednesday July 17 2013
i’m not sure how this occurs but it somehow did. somehow the sent items folder associated with an exchange mailbox can be renamed…even though the option to do so is greyed out in OWA and the outlook client. whether you are logged in directly to that mailbox or whether you have full access to that […]
Published at: 06:07 pm - Wednesday July 10 2013
ren *.bad *.eml changes all file extensions in current directory (in this case all files that end in .bad to .eml) shutdown /r reboots windows
Published at: 09:07 pm - Monday July 08 2013
check current date and time with date Mon Jul 8 20:53:53 EDT 2013 set the date and time with date 071321052013 (MMDDhhmmYYYY) this example would set the date to july 13th 2013 (07 13 2013) and the time to 9:05PM (21:05) and finally to make the change persistent run hwclock –systohc source:
Published at: 01:07 pm - Monday July 08 2013
article: the gist of it is to create a new firewall rule, choose custom, and for protocols choose ICMPv4/ICMPv6…
Published at: 04:07 pm - Sunday July 07 2013
i picked up the game 10million for 99 cents in a google play summer sale. i can’t recall what the original price of the game was, but i had seen it around prior to the sale. anyways, it’s a retro styled fast-paced RPG. i hate to use the word “retro”, but i’m going to for […]
Published at: 01:07 pm - Sunday July 07 2013
this thought crossed my mind some time ago…since 3389 (default rdp port) is well known that a situation might arise where it would be a good idea to change it. i did some quick research and it is possible by modifying the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber source:
Published at: 12:07 pm - Sunday July 07 2013
very helpful step-by-step article for setting up the emulator for rslogix: the emulator allows you to test out your ladder logic without having the physical hardware.